Desafío: Every Child Ready to Read- Singing Challenge

Singing with your child can introduce new vocabulary words, teaches concepts in a fun way and allows your child to hear the individual sounds that make up words more easily (phonological awareness). Singing is also a joyful way to bond with your child. Choose 5 activities to complete the challenge.

Al completar 5 tareas, recibira 5 puntos y una medalla.

Photograph of mother and father talking to their baby

Make music with things you have in the house, like pots and pans, sing and dance to the music you make.

Sing your child's favorite song together. Work on the concept of opposites by singing fast, slow, loud and quiet.

Sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat to make bath time a little more fun!

Have a parade in your home! Put on a favorite song and pretend to play instruments while marching around the house.

Sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider together. Repeat with The Great Big Hairy Spider and make your voice deeper and movements larger!

Sing If You're Happy and You Know It

  • Have your child help you come up with things to do
  • Include other emotions and movements to go along with them like If You're Angry and You Know It- cross your arms, stomp your feet

Clap the beat of a favorite song. Help your child feel the beat in their bodies by tapping the beat on their arms or legs, help them clap along.

Sing The Alphabet song together.

Sing nonsense words to a familiar tune, She bop doobi do, be boom, sha la la, etc.

Pick a book to read that you can also sing.

  • Try Author Jane Cabrera
  • Try Author Tim Hopgood
  • Try Author/musician Lauri Berkner
  • Try Author/musician Bob Marley
  • 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin/Eric Carle to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  • Old Macdonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz